Monday 29 July 2013

Team IMM converted on Wikipedia


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''''Welcome to the world of IMM CONVERTED @MOSERBAER....we are TeamIMM.converted''''
It was wayback in the year 2001 when moserbaer was in installation phase at its Greater noida Plant.Then we never knew that we will work here for the next 10 its 2013.Ups and down are the part of life...we saw many...but stability of the organisation was so strong that even the Recession period passed as if nothing happened in the world.many Industries collapsed... lots of hue and cry on kingfisher issue....and we were busy in Plastics moulding machines and other related issues.
   TeamIMM was led by shri S.C.Juneja in the way back 2003...installation stage and stability phase...followed by Shri Ravinder Singh......Shri rajkumar singh...shri Sunit bhati..(Division of Team IMM -DVD and CDR) then we were Team IMM.
Team IMM --------->>>> TeamIMM converted
Team IMM converted took birth with the introduction of new leader our Boss- Shri Vineet Sharma in the year 2009.. shri vineet sharma....from Harayana INDIA led the team and successfully gave the result in the conversion process.resolving quality of our boss.Vineet sir is still there with us right from the birth of Team IMM converted.
  Now that we have utilised more than 10 years in Industry we feel that we have our responsibility towards the world too.We TeamIMM converted believes that Technology to some extent is responsible for the destruction of the environment... and now its high time that technocrats from all over the world should join to Save our Environment along with the development.....
to all those who read this on web ... pls spare a moment to think about what changes u can bring in ur daily work to protect our environment.......
Its too late friends ......ozone layer destruction...forests being cut down...and the very big example of ............"Gauraiya" the bird loved and seen by every one every where is missing in most of the towns.gauriya is dieing due to the mobile towers...yes Goverment had made plans and successfully implemented ...but it was too late.. Government of any country cannot do anything...citizens needs to be aware and We the Team IMM converted feels that since our Environment is affected by the Technology therefore its the responsibility of the Technocrats all over the world to pay back to Environment and make our Earth as lovable as ever
Team IMM Converted
Moserbaer India Limited
Greater Noida

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