Friday 21 June 2013

To kashmiris--..........take "pen " study.. throw guns

Mohammad Idrees @Team em ,With due respect to ur goodself and thanks for showing concern towards education of kashmiri students,indeed it is a good suggestion and should be welcomed.But tell me one thing why should u not opt to remain with mighty britain instead independent.

Team IMM converted replies-Well Idrees our Dream ....just think once...India -Pakistan--bangladesh--Nepal--Bhutan--Tibet--Srilanka--these 7 countries should combine together and should be named as one country whatever name it may be and become the super power in the world leaving USA much far behind.Inthe world of hatered can't we give one such example of unity
And Idrees our fight was with the British Rule....throught the country INDIANS were treated like DOGS...Indians were not allowed to enter certain places...Indians were not given the Top positions in British goverment..we were forced to go against our religion..

Think once Idrees... if The Hero of Independence Mangal Pandey..would not have been forced to remove the cover from the cartridge of gun the fight of INDEPENDENCE would not have started.....
and Idrees our fight was with the British Rule not with the British Army....and all i find till date that Militants in kashmir have made this movement of yours the fight against INDIAN ARMY only... none of kashmirirs are jealous of INDIANS...they only want INDIAN ARMY to move .. not INDIANS

We ask u one question... do u personally hate INDIANS...i bet u u don't.. b'coz u don't have any reason to hate INDIANS...may be its possible that under the influence of Militants and their misguidance u have developed hatered against INDIAN Army

But Idrees think once...if Indian Army moves from Kashmir... terrorists and pakistan will take no time to capture Kashmir...please yaar how can u all be so rude towards ur own countrymen INDIANS

please understand the hidden motives of ur leaders Idrees....they won't let kashmirirs books, no development..

We tell u one fact ---Mohammad Idrees--u r fighting with only INDIAN Army... not INDIANS...u don't have any reason to hate INDIA...Army problems can be solved but 1st we INDIANS need to save u from the militants yaar... Army is there for u.

We love our INDIAN Army doesn't mean that they are 100 % perfect.. no one is perfect..nor even u..for one or two incidents or under the influence of militants u can't blame the whole INDIAN ARMY

and if u r so much envy of INDIAN ARMY come up and join INDIAN ARMY... take ur posting in ur own Area...and solve the matter..

pick up the Pen ...rather than gun...from past so many years u have wasted time with the guns .. throw them and pick the and get into the highest position in INDIAN JOBS..have the Power and run Kashmir as per ur wish

nothing more to say Idrees...our final words....WE INDIANS love u a lot ...don't be left up to u all

TeamIMM converted
Moserbaer India Limited
Greater Noida

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