Friday 14 June 2013

Letter to Kashmiris

Team IMM converted letter to the kashmiris------

butta khoja ji,are these the real defination of kashmir that these people gave here.if its so then i strongly understand ,why INDIANS of kashmir are diverted towards the terrorists.ok lets start from the history- The Mauryan emperor Ashoka is often credited with having founded the city of Srinagar. Kashmir was once a Buddhist seat of learning, perhaps with the Sarvāstivādan school dominating. In the 14th century, Islam was the dominant religion in Kashmir.Kashmir's economy is centred around agriculture. Traditionally the staple crop of the valley was rice, which formed the chief food of the people.
Jammu and Kashmir, is a state of India, located in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent in the vicinity of the Karakoram and western Himalayan mountain ranges. Friends believe us -there are many other issues rather than getting diverted towards selfish terrorists groups--To all educated Indian Kashmiris -i appeal- come forward and think of improvement,Thinking for environment is too far b'coz i find the basic thoughts missing but believe us the pollution that has captured the plain areas is soon going to capture Kashmir, u remain in a delimma,its rather better to fight for currouption -the road that shri ANNA HAZARE showed inspite of fighting for giving Kashmir in hands of few Terrorists groups.ok fine now tell us-WHEN will kashmiris think of development and education, please don't waste ur time .think education-think environment-JOIN US-

TeamIMM converted

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